How To Get Rid of Love Bugs In Florida

Love bugs, also known as Plecia nearctica, are small black flies notorious for their swarming behavior, especially during certain seasons. While their name may sound endearing, dealing with a love bug infestation can be quite bothersome. These insects can create a mess and cause damage to your property, vehicles, and outdoor spaces.
In this blog, we will explore effective methods for getting rid of love bugs and reclaiming your living spaces.
Physical Prevention
- Install fine-mesh screens on windows, doors, and vents to prevent love bugs from entering your living spaces.
- Seal any cracks or openings in your home's exterior to prevent the bugs from finding their way inside.
- Use weatherstripping to seal gaps around doors and windows.
- Run a fan to discourage love bugs indoors.
Remove Attractants
- Love bugs are attracted to decaying organic matter. Keep your property clean and free of fallen leaves, dead plants, and other debris.
- Regularly clean your gutters to remove any stagnant water or decomposing matter that may attract love bugs.
- Trim and maintain your landscaping regularly to eliminate potential breeding grounds.
- The insects are attracted to light colors, so wear darker clothing and use darker paint when possible.
Natural Repellents
- Create a natural repellent spray by mixing equal parts of water and vinegar. Filling this into a spray bottle, apply this solution around windows, doors, and outdoor areas to deter love bugs.
- You can also use a DIY love bug spray that is soap-based.
- Plant aromatic herbs such as basil, mint, and lemongrass around your outdoor spaces. Their strong scents can repel love bugs.
- Use insecticides as a last resort and follow the instructions carefully. Look for insecticides specifically designed to target flying insects, such as love bugs.
- Spray insecticides on outdoor surfaces, such as walls, fences, and vegetation, where love bugs are commonly seen.
- Avoid using insecticides on or near plants that attract bees or other beneficial insects.
Mechanical Removal
- If you spot love bugs indoors, use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up. Empty the vacuum bag or canister immediately to prevent the bugs from escaping or breeding.
Vehicle Protection
- Before traveling, apply a layer of car wax or a specialized love bug remover product to your vehicle's front bumper, grille, and windshield. This makes it easier to clean off the bug residue later.
- After a trip, wash your vehicle promptly using a high-pressure hose or a pressure washer to remove the love bugs. Focus on areas where they tend to accumulate, such as the front end and windshield.
Professional Pest Exterminators
Swarms of Love Bugs may be harmless, but they’re still unpleasant to have to congregate around your home. If you’re feeling overrun, a professional exterminator can help drastically reduce love bugs on your property without the hassle of cleaning up dead insects.
At Dean’s, we have over three decades of experience–that’s a lot of Love Bugs seasons! Getting professional love bug control helps:
- Reduce egg and larvae counts for fewer love bugs next season.
- Protect your vehicles from engine gunk and paint damage.
- Defend your indoor space by keeping garages and patios clear of insects.
- Allow you to enjoy outdoor space no matter the time of day.
- Make you, your family, and your guests more comfortable!
Contact our team of experienced exterminators today to schedule your inspection.
FAQ About Love Bugs In Florida
To know a bug is not to love one, but what you do know about Love Bugs will help you prevent them. Here are some common questions about these insects:
What Attracts Love Bugs?
Love bugs are attracted to sunlight, warmth, decomposing organic matter, and other things like:
- Open or semi-open areas like roadways, truck stops, and gas stations.
- Car exhaust fumes, hot engines, and vehicle vibrations.
- Lighter colors and paints, as they resemble flowers they might feed on.
- Organic material, like animal manure or plant debris - dead leaves, branches, and grass.
Do Dry Sheets Repel Love Bugs?
Dryer sheets are not a proven or scientifically backed method for repelling love bugs. While some people claim that the scent of dryer sheets can deter insects, including love bugs, there is limited evidence to support this claim.
Where Can You Find Love Bugs?
Love Bugs came to the U.S. from Central America, so they enjoy warm and humid climates across the Gulf of Mexico and the southern U.S. coastline.
When Is Love Bug Season?
Adult Love Bugs are most active in the spring and fall, specifically in May and September.
Are Love Bugs Dangerous?
No. The most dangerous thing about Love Bugs is that they can clog radiators and engine parts.
What Eats Love Bugs?
Love Bugs are eaten by spiders and birds, both of which are natural predators—though wind and rain can also pose as natural enemies of this insect.