How to Identify Brown Patch Fungus

Brown spots in the lawn are one of the most common turf problems homeowners must deal with. What makes these spots particularly troubling is that finding what caused them can be difficult. This is because many pests and diseases produce similar-looking brown patches. Many homeowners have found themselves wasting precious time and energy treating for the wrong pest while brow patch symptoms continue to worsen. This is why proper identification is so important when trying to get rid of the brown patches in your yard.
What is Brown Patch Fungus?
Perhaps the most commonly misidentified disease is Brown Patch Fungus. This fungus produces distinct circular patches of dead grass. As the grass recovers in the center, a donut-like shape often occurs. But while named for the symptom it causes, not every brown patch is an indication of Brown Patch Fungus. In fact, conditions must be just right for this particular type of fungus to remain active.
Where Does Brown Patch Fungus Grow?
Brown Patch Fungus thrives only in humid conditions at temperatures between 70 and 85°. When the weather heats up, the fungus goes dormant until favorable conditions return. Here in Central Florida, that all but guarantees dormancy June through September, since the average temperature exceeds this range. So if you’re noticing this (or a similar) pattern during these months, you may need to look elsewhere for the root of the problem, as it will nearly always be caused by another issue.
What are Other Common Causes of Brown Patches?
The nitrogen found in dog waste will burn your grass, leaving irregular brown spots. Such damage tends to vary in size and location. You may need to train your pet (or your neighbor’s pet) to frequent a less conspicuous area.
Chinch Bugs
Because chinch bug damage may resemble that of Brown Patch Fungus, the key to identification is the season. Chinch bugs prefer the hot, dry conditions of summer whereas Brown Patch Fungus thrives in the (relatively) cool, humid conditions of spring or fall.
Grubs are rare when your lawn is treated preventatively, but if you’re not using Deans and begin to notice a mosaic-like pattern of dying grass, these underground larvae could be damaging your root system.
Contact Deans Today For Help With Brown Patch
Deans Services is a locally owned lawn care company that can help get rid of brown patches in your yard. Our lawn care technician specializes in identifying the underlying cause of your yards brown patch and eliminating it completely. Leaving you with a luscious green lawn all year round. Contact our lawn care professional today at 352-515-9826 to get started.