Common Termites in Central Florida & Signs You Have a Termite Infestation

termite damage to home

Central Florida is home to various termite species, including the Formosan termite, drywood termites, the Eastern subterranean termite, and the dampwood termite. These species of termites can cause considerable damage to homes and structures if left unchecked due to the fact that they are an invasive species. The best way to protect your property from these pests is to be aware of their habits and signs that you may have a termite infestation.

Common Types of Termite Species in Central Florida

  • Subterranean Termites
  • Drywood Termites
  • Formosan Termite
  • Asian subterranean Termites
  • Eastern subterranean Termites
  • Dampwood Termites
  • West Indian Termites

Signs of a Termite Infestation in Your Home

Termite biology may not be an interesting subject to most, but if you’re a homeowner in Florida, you may at least want a quick overview of how these destructive pests operate. Unless you have proper termite protection, these insidious little insects could cause serious damage to your home. With termite swarming season upon us, it’s important to recognize any telltale signs of a termite infestation.

The signs of a termite infestation include:

  • Hollow sounding wood
  • Visible termite swarms
  • Discarded wings
  • Mud tubes
  • Frass

What is the Most Destructive Termite in Florida?

The most destructive type of termite in Florida is the subterranean termite. In nature, these are highly beneficial, as they aid in the decomposition of felled trees and return nutrients to the soil, but in developed areas, the indiscriminate appetite of these zealous recyclers leads them to any wood available— including any found inside our homes.

How Big Are Termite Colonies?

A typical termite colony consists of several thousand to over a million workers, all of whom form a silently sprawling network of underground foragers.

What Attracts Termites?

These scouts are especially attracted to moisture-prone areas which can lead to foundation cracks, pipe chases, construction gaps, and other minuscule entry points around the home. Occasionally, termites must climb over a small amount of concrete—usually the slab, or foundation of the home. In order to avoid being exposed to other insects, or the dry outside air, passageways called “mud-tubes” are constructed.

Other things that attract termites are:

  • Dead trees
  • Humid climates
  • Damp wood

These all act as ideal environments and food sources for termites. If your home has any of the above, it would be best to contact your local pest control company to have them perform a termite inspection.

Contact a Pest Control Company for a Termite Inspection

When you think you may have a termite infestation, the best thing to do is contact your local pest control company for a termite inspection. A professional termite exterminator in Clermont, FL, can identify areas at risk for infestations and inspect for signs of termites. They can also provide recommendations on preventing future infestations and treating existing ones.

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