Identify and Get Rid of Australian Roaches in Florida

If you're a Florida resident, there's a good chance you've seen Australian roaches before. These pests are notorious for invading homes and businesses and can be difficult to get rid of. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Australian roaches so that you can identify them and get rid of them quickly and efficiently!
What do Australian Roaches look like?
Australian roaches are brown and have flattened bodies. They are about an inch long and have wings but cannot fly. They also have two antennae on their head that help them sense their environment.
How long can an Australian Cockroach live?
An Australian cockroach matures from egg to full-grown adult in a year. Once full-grown, they can live as adult cockroaches for 4 to 6 months.
What time of year are Australian Cockroaches active?
Australian cockroaches are active year-round. However, they are more prevalent in the summertime because of increased moisture. You may also see an increased number of them in your home around the fall since they are trying to move indoors to avoid the cool winter temperatures.
Where do Australian Roaches like to live?
Australian cockroaches can be found both indoors and outdoors. They prefer dark, moist areas such as under porches, crawlspaces, near drains or leaky faucets, and mulch beds.
Where do Australian Roaches lay their eggs?
Australian Roaches will lay their eggs in sheltered areas like moist wood. They lay about 24 eggs at a time, so two roaches can quickly become an infestation in your home.
Are Australian Cockroaches harmful to humans?
While Australian cockroaches are not known to carry harmful diseases, they can contaminate food with their feces and saliva. They can also cause asthma attacks in people who are allergic to them.
How can you prevent Australian Roaches in your home?
You can do a few things to help prevent Australian cockroaches from entering your home:
- Seal any cracks or crevices in your foundation.
- Install weather stripping around doors and windows.
- Make sure that all of your screens are in good condition.
- Keep tree branches and other vegetation trimmed away from your house.
- Inspect incoming groceries and packages for roaches.
- Hire a professional roach control company like Deans Services.