How Many Roaches Make Up an Infestation?
Cockroaches are some of the most disturbing creatures found in homes. They are hard to kill because they can survive for days without food or water and have an exceptional sense of smell, which helps them detect traps. In this blog, we will discuss what cockroaches look like, the environments they thrive in, specific types, what it means to have an infestation, and more.
What do cockroaches look like?
Cockroaches are small insects with a body structure similar to grasshoppers and crickets. They can be dark brown or black in color, but some species may appear more reddish-brown, especially when they’re young. Cockroaches also have very long antennae with around 30 segments, which allows them to sense their surroundings. Some species can grow up to an inch long, but there are also species that only grow around half an inch in length.
Where do cockroaches live?
Roaches thrive in damp, dark environments. They can be found in sewers, garbage disposal areas, and even inside your home. They also like places where there is plenty of food available for them to eat, including the kitchen and bathroom.
As mentioned before, cockroaches love dark spaces, which makes it hard for humans to spot them, especially when they’re hiding under furniture or mattresses. They can hide out in corners of your home and squeeze themselves into cracks and crevices.
The main roaches we see in Florida are large roaches. They typically come out during the rainy season and can enter your home through cracks and crevices.
What do cockroaches eat?
Cockroaches are omnivores, which means that they feed on both plants and animals. They love starchy foods like bread, pasta, rice, cereal boxes, and sugary foods such as cookies or cake icing. They aren't known to eat live insects but will feast on dead ants.
Do I have a roach infestation?
Typically, just seeing one roach in your home doesn't mean that you have an infestation. However, since roaches like to hide out in the dark, damp corners of your home, you may miss the signs of an infestation. To know for sure, you should have a professional Leesburg pest control company come out and thoroughly inspect your home.
How to get rid of cockroaches
Roaches are attracted to shelter, water, and food. If you leave crumbs around or leave pet food in an easily accessible location for pests, they will make their way into your home. Roaches can flatten themselves to the size of a piece of paper, so they can easily make their way into your home. If cleaning up crumbs and stagnant water doesn't work to keep these pests at bay, you may need a professional pest control company, like Deans Services in Florida, to come and take care of your problem for you.